Can I transfer the mobile key from my primary user phone
to my new mobile phone device?
Introduction to the topic
No, mobile keys that are already installed cannot be transferred.
The “Privacy” function gradually allows or prevents data
transmissions between the vehicle and the Internet.
limited operation
Locking without the "safe" security system: — To lock
The desired mode can be set in the infotainment.
the vehicle using the mobile key without the "safe" security
system, you will have to deactivate the interior monitoring in
the info tainment. Locking next time will not activate the "safe"
security system. After locking with the mobile key, it is no
longer possible to deactivate the "safe" security system at a
later time.
The “Privacy” function only applies to data transmissions via the
OCU with the integrated eSIM card. Data transmission of a mobile
phone device paired with the phone interface can not be
prevented with the “Privacy” function.
The “Privacy” function is not available on all Volkswagen
Deactivate or activate the passenger airbag:
— This is only possible with the bit of the physical key
Services required by law and their data transmission cannot be
switched off or deactivated, for example the “emergency call
system (eCall)”.
Lock and unlock the vehicle with a discharged vehicle battery:
— This is only possible with the bit of the physical key
Please note that all vehicle users can configure
individual settings in the “Privacy” function. These
settings may not match what the vehicle owner wants.
Using the mobile key with a discharged battery of the mobile
telephone device: — With some mobile telephone devices it is
possible to use the mobile key several times with a discharged
battery. Always make sure that the battery of your mobile
phone device has sufficient charge.
To allow or prevent data transmissions, activate one of the
What should I keep in mind when buying a vehicle
compatible with mobile keys?
following four modes in the infotainment.
Make sure there is no mobile key for your vehicle in use. In the
infotainment under “Mobile key” you can check the number of
active mobile keys.
Mode: Maximum Privacy
To delete mobile keys that are still assigned, perform a primary
user reset or register as a new primary user on the vehicle in
In this mode the following happens:
— All We Connect, We Connect Plus and We Connect Fleet
services are deactivated and are not sending data.
What should I keep in mind when selling a vehicle with mobile
— All tracking services are out of service ÿ p. 216.
Do a master user reset or reset the infotainment to its original
state (factory settings). This deletes all assigned mobile keys.
— The eSIM card is disabled.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet connection via
the eSIM card are disabled ÿ p. 216.
— Neither the information nor the data registered in the control
units, for example, the numbers for emergency calls or the
digital certificates, can be updated. This can reduce functions
and services or even cause them to stop being available.
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— Services required by law cannot be deactivated and continue
to send data.
Status indication
The following symbols indicate individually or in combination
Mode: No location
the corresponding status of the "Privacy" function in the
In this mode the following happens:
— The current position of the vehicle is not sent.
— All tracking services are out of service ÿ p. 216.
Symbols and their meaning
Gray globe (offline): no Internet connection White
globe (online): Internet connection established.
— The eSIM card remains activated.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet connection
via the eSIM card are activated ÿ p. 216.
Symbol of the “Maximum privacy” mode.
Symbol of the “No location” mode.
Symbol of the “Use location” mode.
Mode: Use location
In this mode the following happens:
Symbol of the “Share location” mode.
— The current position of the vehicle is not communicated to
Example of how maximum privacy is represented
— All tracking services are permanent
cen activated.
— Only the main user can access the
vehicle position data via the We Connect portal or the We
Connect app.
How it affects online features and
tracking services
— The eSIM card remains activated.
When data transfer is restricted, for example, tracking services
and online functions of the vehicle cannot be executed following
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet connection
via the eSIM card are activated.
Vehicle online functions
Mode: Share location
— Mobile key.
In this mode the following happens:
— Emergency call service.
— All We Connect, We Connect Plus and We Connect Fleet
services can send and receive data without restrictions.
— Online voice management.
— Update of online maps.
— All tracking services are active
— Online software update.
— Online traffic information.
— Only the main user and co-users can access the vehicle
position data through the We Connect portal or the We
Connect app.
— Personalization.
— Registration and activation of We Connect.
— The eSIM card is activated.
tracking services
— Vehicle location.
— Zone notification.
— Speed notification.
— Online burglar alarm.
— Parking position.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet connection
via the eSIM card are activated.
For new vehicle online functions and tracking
services that are being put on
data transmissions
will soon be available in the vehicle, these limitations
automatically saves as a guest user in the infotainment.
also apply.
Users Management
user roles
Open the settings in the infotainment:
10": HOME User management
Open user administration: On the infotainment start page,
8" and 9.2": MENU User administration
These setting options may be available:
tap on the main menu Users or User administration.
— Me (main user).
— Others (co-users).
- Keys.
main user
As a general rule, the main user is the owner and the user
who uses the vehicle most frequently. You have unlimited
rights and can grant additional rights to other users of your
vehicle by inviting them as co-users.
— Mobile key.
— Settings.
Volkswagen WeConnect
Introduction to the topic
Co-users are people who can use the personalization and
services of We Connect invited by the main user.
For use, Volkswagen We Connect must first be activated
online by concluding a We Connect contract with Volkswagen
AG and is subject to a temporary usage limitation depending
on the country.
guest users
Guest users are people with limited rights, who have access
and can log in to the vehicle through their own We Connect
account. Guest users, however, have not been invited by the
primary user as co-users of the vehicle. They can use their
own personalized settings, but they do not have access to the
We Connect services.
Both the We Connect service portfolios offered by
Volkswagen and individual services can be changed, cancelled,
deactivated, reactivated, renamed and extended, even without
prior notification.
user account, view the description of services and more
Guest users can be removed at any time from the user
anonymous users
The execution and availability of the We Connect services
and service portfolios may vary depending on the country, as
well as the vehicle and its equipment.
The account for anonymous users is a personal im account
and local to the vehicle, which cannot be synchronized with
the server. Such an account only exists on vehicles with
online personalization and cannot be deleted.
Volkswagen We Connect's search or voice recognition
technology does not recognize or deliver results for all
words. For example, Google's speech recognition includes
a “Safe Search” function, which prevents the display of search
results whenever vulgar terms are recognized (even by
Anonymous users are people who have access to the
vehicle, but do not log in.
Create new users
New users can log in to the vehicle with their We Connect
account or re-register. In doing so, a user profile is
automatically created in the infotainment.
There are We Connect services for which registration is
required and others for which it is not required.
If a new user has not been invited as a user by the main
user, the user profile will be
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Users Management