Can I transfer the mobile key from my primary user phone
to my new mobile phone device?
Introduction to the topic
No, mobile keys that are already installed cannot be transferred.
The “Privacy” function gradually allows or prevents data
transmissions between the vehicle and the Internet.
limited operation
Locking without the "safe" security system: — To lock
The desired mode can be set in the infotainment.
the vehicle using the mobile key without the "safe" security
system, you will have to deactivate the interior monitoring in
the info tainment. Locking next time will not activate the "safe"
security system. After locking with the mobile key, it is no
longer possible to deactivate the "safe" security system at a
later time.
The “Privacy” function only applies to data transmissions via the
OCU with the integrated eSIM card. Data transmission of a mobile
phone device paired with the phone interface can not be
prevented with the “Privacy” function.
The “Privacy” function is not available on all Volkswagen
Deactivate or activate the passenger airbag:
— This is only possible with the bit of the physical key
Services required by law and their data transmission cannot be
switched off or deactivated, for example the “emergency call
system (eCall)”.
Lock and unlock the vehicle with a discharged vehicle battery:
— This is only possible with the bit of the physical key
Please note that all vehicle users can configure
individual settings in the “Privacy” function. These
settings may not match what the vehicle owner wants.
Using the mobile key with a discharged battery of the mobile
telephone device: — With some mobile telephone devices it is
possible to use the mobile key several times with a discharged
battery. Always make sure that the battery of your mobile
phone device has sufficient charge.
To allow or prevent data transmissions, activate one of the
What should I keep in mind when buying a vehicle
compatible with mobile keys?
following four modes in the infotainment.
Make sure there is no mobile key for your vehicle in use. In the
infotainment under “Mobile key” you can check the number of
active mobile keys.
Mode: Maximum Privacy
To delete mobile keys that are still assigned, perform a primary
user reset or register as a new primary user on the vehicle in
In this mode the following happens:
— All We Connect, We Connect Plus and We Connect Fleet
services are deactivated and are not sending data.
What should I keep in mind when selling a vehicle with mobile
— All tracking services are out of service ÿ p. 216.
Do a master user reset or reset the infotainment to its original
state (factory settings). This deletes all assigned mobile keys.
— The eSIM card is disabled.
— All vehicle functions that require an Internet connection via
the eSIM card are disabled ÿ p. 216.
— Neither the information nor the data registered in the control
units, for example, the numbers for emergency calls or the
digital certificates, can be updated. This can reduce functions
and services or even cause them to stop being available.
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