CC 2010 ➤ , Eos 2006 ➤ , Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf 2009 ➤ , Passat 2006 ➤ , ...
4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
– Tighten both bolts -arrows- from fuel rail.
– Install non-return valve and fuel line.
– Continue installation in reverse order of removal.
– Re-connect electrical connectors.
– Install intake manifold ⇒ page 473 .
Specified torques
Adapter for fuel line to fuel rail (renew)
Fuel line (union nut) to adapter for fuel rail
40 Nm
27 Nm
Removing and installing injectors
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Tool set - T10133-
Puller - T10133/2- has been modified and is now designated pull‐
er - T10133/2A- . If the new tool is not yet available in the
workshop, perform the modification yourself.
Convert puller - T10133/2- tool to puller - T10133/2A- tool.
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Round file approx. 6 mm
– File out a semi-circular recess as shown in the illustration. The
recess allows the tool to be pushed further onto the injector so
the contact surface is increased.
– For identification purposes, mark the modified tool with the
letter “A” after the tool number.
2. Injection system
CC 2010 ➤ , Eos 2006 ➤ , Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf 2009 ➤ , Passat 2006 ➤ , ...
4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
Injector (old version)
1 - Combustion chamber ring seal (Teflon ring seal), renew; when
fitting, do not grease ring or use any other lubricant.
2 - The support ring must be replaced with an intermediate ring.
See Injector (new version)
3 - Injection valve
4 - Spacer (renew if damaged)
5 - O-ring (renew; to install, lightly lubricate with clean engine oil).
6 - Support ring (via this support ring, the fuel rail exerts force
which secures injector in cylinder head)
Injector (new version)
1 - Replace intermediate ring
2 - Support bearing
3 - Combustion chamber ring seal (Teflon ring seal), renew; when
fitting, do not grease ring or use any other lubricant.
4 - Injection valve
5 - Spacer (renew if damaged)
6 - O-ring (renew; to install, lightly lubricate with clean engine oil).
7 - Support ring (via this support ring, fuel rail exerts force which
secures injector in cylinder head)
– Remove intake manifold with fuel rail ⇒ page 473 .
If the injectors remain in the fuel rail, pull them out of the fuel rail.
– Seal intake ports with a clean cloth.
– Remove supporting element -A- and pull off connectors
-arrows- from injectors.
Rep. gr.24 - Mixture preparation - injection
CC 2010 ➤ , Eos 2006 ➤ , Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf 2009 ➤ , Passat 2006 ➤ , ...
4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
– Apply puller -T10133/2A- to groove on injector.
– Position removal tool -T10133/16- and pull injector out by turn‐
ing bolt -1-.
♦ Note the intermediate rings.
♦ The Teflon seal must always be renewed prior to reinstallation
of the injector ⇒ page 484 .
♦ Do not oil or grease the Teflon seal on the injector.
♦ It is possible that an open inlet valve hinders cleaning. In this
case, turn engine by hand at crankshaft using a spanner.
– Thoroughly clean holes of high-pressure injectors in cylinder
head using a nylon brush - T10133/4- .
– Renew Teflon seal of injector ⇒ page 484 .
– Complete injector with parts from the repair set.
– Push injector by hand as far as it will go into the hole of the
cylinder head (free of oil and grease). Ensure injectors are
positioned correctly -arrow- in cylinder head.
If it is not possible to insert the injector by hand, use the puller -
T10133/2A- -2- with a hammer - T10133/3- to insert the injector.
– Fit support ring onto injector.
– Lightly moisten O-rings of the high-pressure injector with clean
engine oil.
– Install intake manifold with fuel rail ⇒ page 473 .
2. Injection system
CC 2010 ➤ , Eos 2006 ➤ , Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf 2009 ➤ , Passat 2006 ➤ , ...
4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
Renewing Teflon seal on injector
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Tool set - T10133-
Do not lubricate the Teflon ring.
– Carefully remove old Teflon ring using suitable tools (e.g. cut
open ring using razor blade, or prise open ring with small
screwdriver and then pull off forwards). It is essential to ensure
that the groove and continuous ridge in groove surface are not
– Carefully clean injector in area of seal -arrow-. Remove coking
deposits using a brass wire brush.
– Clean groove for seal.
– Fit new seal onto assembly cone - T10133/5- . Push seal as
far as possible onto assembly cone - T10133/6- using assem‐
bly sleeve - T10133/5- .
Rep. gr.24 - Mixture preparation - injection