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4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
28 – Ignition system
Repairing ignition system
Assembly overview - ignition system ⇒ page 562 .
Removing and installing ignition coils with output stages
⇒ page 562 .
Spark plug test data ⇒ page 565 .
General notes on ignition system
♦ The battery must be disconnected only with ignition switched
off. If a coded radio is installed, ascertain code before discon‐
necting battery.
♦ Observe required procedures after connecting battery ⇒ Elec‐
trical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Disconnecting and reconnecting
battery .
♦ For trouble-free operation of electrical components, a voltage
of at least 11.5 V is necessary.
♦ After completing work, read event memory of engine control
unit. Clear all events that may have been recorded while
checks and repairs were carried out. If the event memory was
cleared, the readiness code must be generated ⇒ Vehicle di‐
agnostic tester “Guided Functions”.
♦ If, after fault finding, repairs or component tests, the engine
starts, runs for a short period and then stops, then the fault
may be that the immobilizer is blocking the engine control unit.
In this case, the control unit must be adapted ⇒ Vehicle diag‐
nostic tester “Guided Functions”.
Safety precautions
To prevent injuries to persons and/or damage to the injection and
ignition system, the following must be observed:
♦ Do not touch or pull off ignition coils with output stage when
engine is running or turning at starter speed.
♦ Switch off ignition before connecting or disconnecting injection
and ignition system wiring as well as test instrument cables.
♦ If the engine has to be turned over at starting speed without it
starting (e.g. compression test), first unplug the connectors
from the ignition coils and the injectors. Read and delete event
memory after completion of work.
♦ Always switch off ignition before cleaning engine.
♦ Disconnecting and connecting the battery must only be done
with the ignition switched off, otherwise the engine control unit
could be damaged.
Note the following if testers and measuring instruments have to
be used during a road test:
♦ Test instruments and measuring equipment must always be
secured to the rear seat and operated by a second person from
this location.
If test and measuring instruments are operated from front pas‐
senger seat and the vehicle is involved in an accident, there is a
1. Repairing ignition system