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4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
Cylinder head
Removing and installing engine cover panel ⇒ page 141 .
Removing and installing cylinder head ⇒ page 142 .
Compression test ⇒ page 178 .
Removing and installing vacuum pump ⇒ page 180 .
Assembly overview - cylinder head
♦ If the cylinder head bolts have multi-point sockets and a shoul‐
der, the camshafts must be removed before the cylinder head
bolts are unscrewed.
♦ When assembling, renew self-locking nuts, bolts that are tight‐
ened by turning further angle, as well as seals and gaskets.
♦ The plastic protectors fitted to protect the open valves must
only be removed immediately before fitting the cylinder head.
1 - Cylinder head gasket
❑ Renew
❑ Observe installation po‐
sition: Part number to
cylinder head
2 - Bolt
❑ 25 Nm
3 - Transportation shackle
4 - Bolt
❑ Tightening sequence
⇒ page 140
5 - Cylinder head
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 142
❑ Check for distortion
⇒ page 140 .
❑ Renew oil non-return
valve in cylinder head
⇒ page 140
6 - Cylinder head bolt
❑ Renew
❑ Note sequence when
loosening ⇒ page 139 .
❑ Note correct sequence
when tightening
⇒ page 140 .
7 - O-ring
❑ Renew
❑ Lubricate with engine oil
8 - Plug
❑ 5 Nm
2. Cylinder head