CC 2010 ➤ , Eos 2006 ➤ , Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf 2009 ➤ , Passat 2006 ➤ , ...
4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
♦ Universal dial gauge holder - VW 387-
♦ Dial gauge - VAS 6079-
– Screw dial gauge - VAS 6079- with universal dial gauge holder
- VW 387- onto cylinder block and set against crankshaft
cheek with 2 mm projection.
– Push crankshaft against dial gauge by hand and set dial gauge
to “0”.
– Press crankshaft away from dial gauge and read value.
Axial clearance:
New: 0.07 to 0.23 mm
Wear limit: 0.30 mm.
Measuring radial clearance of crank‐
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Plastigage
♦ Do not interchange used bearings.
♦ Bearing shells worn down to nickel layer must be renewed.
– Remove main bearing caps and clean bearing caps and jour‐
– Place Plastigage onto bearing journal or into bearing shells
according to width of bearing.
The Plastigage must rest in the middle of the bearing shell.
Rep. gr.13 - Crankshaft group
CC 2010 ➤ , Eos 2006 ➤ , Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf 2009 ➤ , Passat 2006 ➤ , ...
4-cyl. injection engine (1.8 and 2.0 l engine, chain drive) - Edition 08.2018
– Fit main bearing caps and tighten to 60 Nm without rotating
– Remove main bearing caps again.
– Compare width of Plastigage with measurement scale:
Radial clearance:
New: 0.017 to 0.037 mm
Wear limit: 0.15 mm.
3. Crankshaft