Passat 2015 ➤, Passat 2019 ➤, Passat Variant 2015 ➤, Passat Variant 2019 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 11.2020
Head-up display (HUD): removing pro‐
tective film
Switching on Head-up Display
The transport mode must be switched off.
– Press control next to light switch to switch on the Head-up
– Carefully remove protective film on Head-up Display.
Hybrid components: inspect for dam‐
age to high-voltage components and
High voltage in the hybrid vehicle's high-voltage system! Risk
of electric shock! Before commencing any work, inspect high
voltage components in working area. Observe the safety
notes ⇒ 4-cyl. injection engine (hybrid); Rep. gr. 00; Safety
♦ All work on vehicles with high-voltage system must only
be carried out by persons who are at least qualified as
“electrically instructed person (EIP)”.
♦ In the event of conspicuous findings or uncertainties, con‐
tact your responsible high-voltage technician or specialist
Work sequence: inspect.
When inspecting the engine compartment, note the power and
control electronics for electric drive, as well as the control elec‐
tronics for high-voltage cables for the battery and the air condi‐
tioner compressor, the high-voltage cable for the hybrid module
(electric drive motor) and the high-voltage charging socket in
radiator grille.
When inspecting the underbody, note the hybrid battery and the
high-voltage cables for battery.
Pay attention to the following during inspection:
♦ The high-voltage components must not reveal any external
♦ Insulation of high-voltage cables must not be defective or
♦ Pay attention to unusual deformations of high-voltage ca‐
Defects which are found must be immediately reported to the
responsible high-voltage technician.
Interior and exterior body: inspecting
for corrosion with doors and flaps open
Test locations
♦ Sliding sunroof frame
♦ Inner and outer door frame
4. Descriptions of work
Passat 2015 ➤, Passat 2019 ➤, Passat Variant 2015 ➤, Passat Variant 2019 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 11.2020
♦ Area around trim strips
♦ Windscreen roof edge
♦ Outer and inner A-pillar
♦ Inner and outer bonnet
♦ Wheel arches
♦ Inner and outer tailgate
Poly V-belt: renewing
Sequence of operations
⇒ Rep. gr. 13; Cylinder block belt pulley end; Removing and
installing poly V-belt
Poly V-belt: checking condition
Sequence of operations
– Crank engine at vibration damper on pulley using a socket.
Check poly V-belt -1- for:
♦ Sub-surface cracks (cracks, core ruptures, cross-sectional
♦ Layer separation (top layer, cord strands)
♦ Base disruption
♦ Frayed cord strands
4. Descriptions of work